Bluetooth Adapter Gold Touch USB Bluetooth Dongle Ver. 4.0 E-USB-BT4

Bluetooth Adapter Gold Touch USB Bluetooth Dongle Ver. 4.0 E-USB-BT4
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  • SKU 10186
  • Brand: Gold Touch
  • Product Code: 13510-05
  • ₪40

Bluetooth Adapter Gold Touch USB Bluetooth Dongle Ver. 4.0 E-USB-BT4
Bluetooth Adapter Gold Touch USB Bluetooth Dongle Ver. 4.0 E-USB-BT4


Manufacturer: Gold Touch, Color: Does not apply


Warranty1 year
Service During The Warranty Period (Who To Contact)COMPMASTER Lab


Gei Oni 6, Tet Shoping Center, Ashdod

Manufacturer Part NumberE-USB-BT4
ModelUSB Bluetooth Dongle Ver. 4.0
ColorDoes not apply
ManufacturerGold Touch
BluetoothBT 4.0
Link To The Manufacturer'S Website

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Product LinkBluetooth Adapter Gold Touch USB Bluetooth Dongle Ver. 4.0 E-USB-BT4
Matching SKUsID: 10186, OC: 13510-05, ML: USBBT4, NTB: E-USB-BT4, GRNDADVC: 10482, MPN: E-USB-BT4

The price is valid as of 30.03.2025