Case Fan Antec Nova 120 120mm PWM black 3x Fans

Case Fan Antec Nova 120 120mm PWM black 3x Fans
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  • SKU 68052
  • Brand: Antec
  • Product Code: 39475-05
  • ₪200

Case Fan Antec Nova 120 120mm PWM black 3x Fans
Case Fan Antec Nova 120 120mm PWM black 3x Fans


Short review: We are proud to present the Antec Nova 120, an advanced cooling system with three 120mm fans designed to deliver excellent performance and maximum quietness. The fans operate on PWM technology, allowing them to adjust their rotation speed as needed, so your computer stays cool even under heavy load. The Antec Nova 120 features an elegant black design that combines aesthetics with performance. The fans are equipped with advanced technology that reduces noise, so you can enjoy a quiet and pleasant user experience. With easy and straightforward installation, the NOVA120-3PK is the ideal solution for anyone looking to upgrade their computer's cooling system. Whether you are a gamer, graphic designer, or just an everyday user, the Antec Nova 120 will provide you with the performance and reliability you need. Don't compromise on your computer's cooling quality – choose the Antec Nova 120 and enjoy high performance and maximum quietness!, Manufacturer: Antec, Color: black, RPM: 3200 RPM


Warranty1 year
Service During The Warranty Period (Who To Contact)COMPMASTER Lab


Gei Oni 6, Tet Shoping Center, Ashdod

Manufacturer Part Number0-761345-40051-0
ModelNova 120 120mm PWM black 3x Fans

Antec Nova 120

Antec Nova 120

3-Phase PWM Speed Controller

The included 3-Phase PWM speed controller allows you to switch modes according to different hardware environments and scenarios.

In all three modes, the fan can stop operating when the PWM signal is below 6%.

PWM Speed Controller

Vibration Absorbing Pads

Eight anti-vibration rubber pads effectively reduce vibrations and noise.

Vibration Absorbing Pads

Device CompatibilityParts
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Product LinkCase Fan Antec Nova 120 120mm PWM black 3x Fans
Matching SKUsID: 68052, OC: 39475-05, CD: NOVA120-3PK, MPN: 0-761345-40051-0

The price is valid as of 13.03.2025