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Request a quote for a product missing from the site

Requesting a Quote for an Unavailable Product - How to Get an Offer and Order the Desired Product

On our website, you will find a wide range of products in the fields of computers and technology. However, it is possible that the product you are looking for is not listed on the site or currently unavailable. Don't worry! We are here to provide you with a solution. If you are searching for a specific product that is not available on our website, you can request a price quote, and we will do our best to supply the product you are looking for.

Step 1: Requesting a Price Quote

How can you request a price quote for the product that is unavailable on the website?

  • Through the website: Click on the "Request a Price Quote" page and fill out the form with the details of the product you are searching for. Please provide as much information as possible about the product (model, description, serial number, etc.) so that we can find the most suitable product for you.
  • By email: If you prefer, you can contact us directly via email. Send your quote request to and provide a detailed description of the product you are interested in purchasing.
  • Using WhatsApp: You can also get in touch with us through WhatsApp by adding our phone number 073-2241747 to your contacts and sending a text message with the product you wish to order.

Step 2: Sending the Price Quote

Upon receiving your request, our team will consult and check the possibility of supplying the unavailable product. If we can provide the product you are looking for, you will receive the quote via email or WhatsApp. In general, you can expect to receive the quote within 24 hours of your inquiry.

Step 3: Delivery and Pickup Options

Once you receive the price quote and find it suitable, you can choose from the following options:

  • Self-pickup: If you are in or around Ashdod, you can pick up the product from our main branch in Ashdod or from the supplier's warehouse.
  • Home delivery: You can opt for delivery and provide us with the exact delivery address. The product will be delivered directly to your location.
  • Pickup points across the country: We have pickup points all over the country, so you can choose the one closest to you.

Step 4: Placing the Order

After selecting the delivery option, you can proceed to place the order:

  • Phone call: You can contact our support team via phone and request to place the order. Our support team will be happy to assist and provide you with the order details.
  • WhatsApp: If you already have WhatsApp installed on your mobile phone, simply add our phone number 073-2241747 to your contacts and send a text message with the product you wish to order. You can also click the button to send a WhatsApp message directly.

By requesting the product through our website, it will be prioritized for upload at the earliest convenience. Once it appears on the website, you can proceed to place the order. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us through any of the mentioned channels. We are here to help you get the product you desire!

Request a quote for a product missing from the site
